Lame of Thrones

I love fantasy novels and movies. I don’t like Game of Thrones. My least favorite question right now is the inevitable follow-up when someone is given that information: “Why!?” People seem to think that just because I love stories of magic, dragons, sword fighting, and sex that I must like every thing that has any […]

Natural State

There are some days where I hate people. All people. Myself included. These are days that frustrate me, or anger me, or drop me to my knees with burden. I’m not talking about days where I’m annoyed at gossip or the grocery line is taking too long because some bunghole is wanting to pay in […]

Twenty-Tree of Trust

Someone, in fact many someones, like to insist that Christmas isn’t about giving or Santa Claus or family.  They insist it’s about Jesus.  They like to call this the “Truth of Christmas” and they encourage everyone to spread the “Truth of Christmas” to all within hearing. The truth of Christmas is that it’s not about […]